
Refund Policy

BMG does not offer Full Refunds unless in case of emergency. Our policy is to provide class credit towards missed programs/classes, under specific events. Communication must take place prior to the missed program/class, relative to the nature of the absence. Scheduling conflicts, minor illness, and last minute removal are examples of "non emergency" related missed classes; not cases refunded and credited on case-by-case basis. 

In the event of a credit approved, the approval must be used within one month following the approved event. Credits will be lost following the allotted time frame given, unless the approved amount does not allow based upon BMG offerings at that time. In this event, the next immediate time frame provided, the credit must be used.

We are not a volume-based academy, space is limited, a registration or commitment is given priority to space. Anything further will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. This policy is supported by our legal team and the Limited Liability Company.