
About Us

Who We Are

bmgballBorn October 2015 in San Jose, CA, the heart of Silicon Valley, The Brazelton Management Group, LLC was originally formed as a platform to open doors for professional athletes. Yet, during its creation a need was identified for a youth organization, revolved around basketball, that was a safe zone for kids to develop and grow; hence the creation of BMG Academy.
BMG Basketball Academy is the youth basketball sector of BMG, focusing on basketball skills teaching and mentorship, while incorporating life skills teaching. Every teacher, coach, and mentor figure in BMG represents high character, a passion for youth, and a passion for the game. Maximization of every minute is the goal, and there is no substitute for hard work and dedication.
In March, 2021 BMG Academy merged with the Nike EYBL Oakland Soldiers organization, forming the Silicon Valley Soldiers. The Academy is honored and proud to represent the well established brand, and enter into a new chapter of the South Bay Basketball legacy.


Mission Statement: The best players want to be pushed to the highest level, and compete in settings geared towards a future in high school and college basketball; the serious player. Through hard work and a quality support group, this organization creates a high level environment, meant to motivate and enthuse players to reach full potential.

Maximizing success comes from a holistic approach, not concentration on just one thing. The ability to bring versatility and talent in multiple areas only makes one stronger. Having a vision is a lifestyle, a way of thinking, a mentality. Our vision is to use the drive and hunger inside, to allow our clients to become the best they can be. We assist in developing a strong personal brand and high level professionalism, while investing in the proper areas, leading to long-term success.